Friday, January 16, 2009

New Year

2009 is here, and I look forward to seeing a few anniversaries that will take place this year;

Abrahan Lincoln's 200th Birthday will be observed in February.

Robert E Lee 202nd Birthday will also be noted.

There wll also be several 144th anniversaries:

Sherman's Carolinas Campaign
The Fall of Charleston, SC
The destruction of Columbia, SC
The epic voyage of CSS Shenandoah
The last-ditch effort by the CSA to enlist African-Americans in its ranks (too little too late)
The Fall of Wilmington, NC
The destruction of Confederate defenses in the Shenandoah Valley
The establishing of the Freedmen's Bureau
The Battle of Averasboro, NC
The Battle of Bentonville, NC
The Battle of Fort Steadman, VA
The Battle of Five Forks, VA
The Battle of Selma, AL
The Fall of Petersburg, VA
The Fall of Richmond and the flight of the Confederate Government
The Surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia
The Assassination of President Lincoln
The Surrender of the Army of Tennessee
The Capture of Jefferson Davis
The Battle of Palmito Ranch, TX
The Passage of the 13th Amendment, outlawing Slavery
The Start of Reconstruction

Good anniversaries this year, still looking forward to the 150th anniversaries, starting with the 150th Anniversary of the Secession of South Carolina, December 20, 2011.

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